Follows ten-year-old Annie and Runta, her stray dog, as they try to win the Agility Course Championship at the Krumpets Dog Show in London to save their family’s farm from drought and ruin. The first inland The city in Western Australia 1831 is also the oldest race track in Western Australia!. Featured in The 7PM: Episode 20 September 2024 (2024). Craig Silvey is a master. His character development is extraordinary. Each character in this film has their own set of unique qualities that add to this perfect story of love and family. Annie is the star of the show and a great new talent on Australian screens. Fergus Fink! The biggest bad guy and Matt Day’s performance is outstanding. Because mom Celeste Barber is brilliant. As if the role was written for her. Her transition from comedy to this role was incredible. Then, after all the laughs and a few tears in places, there’s a little golden gem from the Aussie icon in the credits!